Crippled CEO Blog #134:
My mom died way too young in 2011.
I was 28 years old.
Today is Mother’s Day. I had another blog post all ready to go today, but I decided to save it for next week because I think this is important.
If you’re on good terms with your mom, call her, spend time with her, try and go a little bit extra out of your way to really savor and appreciate the time you have with her. You only have so many of these Mother’s Days left. If she is 65 years old, you probably only have 10 or 15, more if you’re lucky, and then that’s it. That’s not a lot.
If your mom is toxic and abusive, then keep her out of your life, but if you’re not on good terms, and she’s not THAT bad, do the really hard thing, reach out, and try to extend an olive branch today. You will regret it later if you don’t. I promise.
That’s it. Just a plea asking you to put a little more oomph into loving your mom today from someone who wishes he could.
(My mom is dead, but yours still wants me to call her, though usually it’s late at night. Your mom also gets a text from me every Sunday with a link to the latest blog post. Send a text to 561-726-1567 with the word CRIP as the message to get a link to the blog as soon as it’s up.
Did you know that I have a YouTube channel now? I do! I am putting up two videos every single week. Go search for Crippled CEO and you’ll find me. I would appreciate it if you subscribed.)
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