Crippled CEO Blog #165:
Things are going to change. It’s not always going to be this way.
I know you think that you’re done becoming who you think you’re going to be at this very moment, that this version of you is the completed, fully realized you, but you also thought that 12 years ago, remember? And think about how much different you are now than you were then.
The things that are really bothering you right now aren’t going to matter in a few years. You are probably going to forget most of them even existed. In fact, in a decade, some of the hobbies that you are super into and the people you interact with every day won’t really be part of your life at all.
And by the same token, things that don’t matter to you whatsoever currently are going to be massively important to you in eight or eleven or thirteen years.
Not only are your friends, hobbies, and coworkers going to go away, and be replaced by new ones, even some of your strongly held beliefs and opinions are going to change. You’re going to think back and have a hard time understanding why you ever thought the way that you do right now.
Your routines in the morning and evening will be different. You’ll probably be in a different car. You might live far away from where you do right now, even though you currently have zero intention of moving.
The good, the bad, the critically important, it’s all going to change. So, stop worrying about it so much. None of it is going to matter much, and some not at all.
This, too, shall pass.
(Do you know who wasn’t worried about the future last night? Your mom. Your mom also gets a text from me every Sunday with a link to the latest blog post. Send a text to 561-726-1567 with the word CRIP as the message to get a link to the blog as soon as it’s up.
Did you know that I have a YouTube channel now? I do! I am putting up two videos every single week. Go search for Crippled CEO and you’ll find me. I would appreciate it if you subscribed.)
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